Stand out content appropriate to your scale and size.

from websites AND video content to social AND photography We can create and produce content solutions that deliver the right return on investment for your stage of growth.

We each have more than 25 years of experience creating and producing stand out, distinctive content for every need and budget level. We have been awarded at every creative show on earth (that matters).
Without execution, vision is just another word for hallucination
— Mark V Hurd
Whether it's convincing investors, customers or ambassadors, there's nothing that shouts scale and trust faster than world class content.
    We have more than 25 years of experience creating and producing stand out, distinctive content for every need and budget level. That's why our little black book is the most valuable thing we have. The best people in the industry just a phone call away.
    Just because you are smaller in size does not mean you need to compromise on the quality of your creative assets. They just need to be created smartly by a team that understands how to write, design and produce to a strategy and a budget.
    We believe in consistency of creative assets. We create content, photography, advertising & websites that speak to your brand at every touch point.
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We won't need long. Just 15 mins will be long enough to work out whether we can help you or not. We'd much prefer it was over a coffee so if you'd rather that then just email us at
Why Should Content Be Creative and other Frequently Asked Questions
Ah ha. You've found our secretly hidden rant on creativity. Well done to reward your curious mind (we love a curious mind) we've added some of our thoughts on creativity, brand, consistently standing out and why all that matters when you're going to create any kind of creative video content. So let's begin.

Why does your content need to be creative, isn’t it just as good to do some content rather than make it really creative?

Yes and no. Doing any kind of content is always going to be better than doing nothing. It’s like when you go to the gym. Doing 5 press ups is going to do you some good but is it going to do you as much good as 100 every day plus a track session and some laps of the pool? If you’re going to do something, do it as well as you can. Here are some key points why your video content should aim to be as creative as possible.

Stand Out Video Content

How many times do you see pre-rolls on YouTube and skip within a second? Which are the ones you stay for? They’re either for something you’re really in to or they’ve caught your imagination and interest to keep watching. Going out with your message in a dry way in any kind of video content is just not going to perform as well as making it as creative as possible.

Consistently Creative Content in Australia

The other key thing is to make all of your creative content consistent. What are your distinctive assets? Your logo should appear in the first few seconds but not to the detriment of me engaging with the video content. This is where video content writing is so important. We can find ways, if the script is written correctly, to bring in your branding, your distinctive brand assets in a natural and engaging way.

Why is it so important to be consistent?

You’re trying to lodge your business in someone’s mind. So that they become familiar with you. You don’t buy from strangers but you do buy from brands that you are familiar with. The more familiarity the more trust. Especially when we’re selling on line where it’s completely faceless. Trust is the most crucial asset you can build. Seeing one message, then another and another that are all connected visually and linguistically to your brand builds this trust. Just creating content that looks and sounds like everyone else is doing their advertising for them.

A video production company and an Advertising agency combined.

If you want to make creative content for your business in Australia you have a few options. You can go to an ad agency, they’ll help you with your messaging, your marketing and ideas that will cut through. Or you could go straight to a video production company who will not be so hot at this but they’ll be great at producing good looking content. Queen Charles are the best of both worlds. Marketing and strategy from 25 years running the best Advertising agencies in the world plus production capabilities of script writing and video production in house. Why take two bottles into the shower when you can take one.

What is creative content marketing?

And how does it differ from creative content alone? Well, it’s all about channel planning really – where are you going to reach your audience and how can you keep them in your marketing loop until they decide to buy. A video production house like Queen Charles is perfectly suited to doing this marketing first, finding your audience and then creating creative video content fit for the channel and purpose. The purpose being valuable information that helps your customer rather than just tells them what you do. If you can position yourselves as the experts in your field you have a much better chance of turning strangers into customers. In short, not just ‘making an ad’ but making content that drives action, consistently and with ongoing value. It’s making every one of your marketing dollars work much harder than just making an ad.

Why is a video content editor important?

There are so many different channels you can speak to your customers having an editor that knows the channels and can edit to suit each is invaluable. YouTube has longer engagement time than TikTok but you still need to hook within the first few seconds. You also need to tell the right story to engage and keep people watching.

What is purposeful story telling?

We’re not just telling any story we’re trying to drive action to get people to put your brand on their mental awareness shelf. As Byron Sharp puts it ‘mental availability’. Video content writing is so important. To have a writer not a ‘content creator’ that knows how to involve the audience emotionally, empathetically and memorably is the best way to secure this mental availability. For us, if your video production house is not doing this you’re really wasting your marketing dollars.
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